Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Jackson Slade

Name: Jackson Slade
Nickname: Jax, but be careful calling him that. Use of the nickname is earned.
Profession: He does what comes along, but he’s a high end thief by trade. He’s not picky, so long as the payoff matches the assignment.
Race: Vampire Height: 6’5 (265 Lbs)
Build: Muscles on his muscles, but he still manages to look sleek – like a panther in the wild.
Eye Color: Brown.
Skin Color: Let’s go with mocha. His dad was black, his mom Samoan.
Hair Color: Black hair kept cropped short.

Age/Age Appearing: Looks to be in his early 30s, although he’s actually slightly better than twice that.
Marks/Style/Appearance: He has a large Samoan tribal tattoo on his left shoulder covering most of his left arm. He has the head of a brahma bull on his right arm from his days playing college football in the 70s. His style is simple: dark colors, denim, cotton, leather. Keep it simple. Travel light.

Relations and Friends: He’s had some in his day, but it always turned out to be a mistake. Humans die too easily. Supernaturals cause nothing but trouble. He prefers it alone. He’s the one person he knows he can trust.

Talents/Special Abilities: charm, enhanced stealth, regeneration, pain free existence, sedative saliva, and preternatural tracking. He’s also quite good at several martial arts and handy with most weapons. Those kind of skills are easier t obtain when you have a few extra decades to train and little real need for sleep. He also has just enough handiness with wiring to break something. He can’t fix any of it, but he can usually figure out which wires to yank to disable an alarm system. His weaknesses are beheading, time, and she can only drink human blood (all other kinds of blood won’t fully nourish him). His lack of patience with the shortcomings of others has also been known to drag him down when trying to work in a team setting.

Awareness: He bounced the supernatural section at The Loft in Moon Bay. Not only does he know most every race, he’s kicked at least one of each of them out of his club.
Theme song/Quote: “Go ahead, bring it…if you think you’ve got what it takes…”

Model: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
 photo dwayne-johnson-hd-wallpapers_zps598ee6f1.jpg
Personality: It really depends on what he thinks of you. If he doesn’t know you, doesn’t like you, or doesn’t respect you, he’s short, rude, and biting. In short, he’s an asshole. If you’re one of the few who have gotten through the walls he puts up, he’s witty and unfailingly loyal. He may still be an asshole though.
Equipment: He doesn’t carry much on a regular basis, but has breadth of training that allows him to use what he finds in a situation. He does carry a few small bladed weapons and a customized lock pick set in his duffel.

History: History all matters where you start. His human days in Florida are so far behind him as to have happened to someone else. He got turned in the mid-80s while working security at a Paula Abdul concert. His history could begin 11 years ago in Moon Bay. Those are the years that have been the most interesting, but are also the best chronicled. Jackson is an itinerant wanderer. He goes where the wind or a job takes him. He stays as long as he feels. Every town has an expiration date for him. When bad blood and bad memories start to stack up higher than opportunity, he moves on.

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